The Cat Lady Pounces On Leukemia

Monday, December 15, 2008

T Plus 286

Who says birthday presents have to cost a lot of money. Some don’t cost a dime. Today was Jan’s birthday and she received one of the best gifts ever. Her doctor told us today that her biopsy, which was performed on December 1st, was negative. He said he was extremely pleased with her health. All her labs were right on track. Happy Birthday Jan. This time last year, Jan was just two weeks removed from six weeks in the hospital and two rounds of chemotherapy. Last year we decided to forego her birthday, as well as Christmas. Instead, we were reading literature about bone marrow transplants, and hoping that one of her siblings would be a match. What a difference a year makes. That ordeal is now behind us, and better days lie ahead. Of course, Jan also got a present today which required unwrapping…………a new camera. She’s looking forward to taking a ton of pictures of grandson Lucas, and granddaughter Isabella (due to arrive February 24th). Today also marks another anniversary, of sorts. It was exactly a year and two months ago that Jan was diagnosed. During that journey, some days seemed never-ending. And yet, it’s hard to believe that fourteen months have passed. We feel very blessed. With each passing week, Jan continues to improve. Her hair is growing back with a flurry, and as her steroid medication continues to be tapered down, she is starting to slowly regain her strength and stamina. As you might expect, we had moments during the past year when we dreaded tomorrow. However, now we look forward to tomorrow, next week, next year, and beyond. We wish everyone a very happy holiday season, but mostly, we wish you all good health.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What terrific news and at such a happy time of the year. You have truly been blessed. I hope the new year brings more good health and a healthy granddaughter. Tony enjoy your retirement and hopefully you'll can get up to Georgia in the new year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Love, Donna, Diane, Debbie, Denise, Rod and Uncle Bubba

December 16, 2008 at 10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Great news! I have been checking into the blog periodically and it is great to see the latest good report and birthday present. Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year!
Love, Pam Dover

December 16, 2008 at 7:59 PM  

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