The Cat Lady Pounces On Leukemia

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

T plus 15

The past four days have not seen much change. Jan continues to have mouth and throat sores which also extend throughout the entire GI track. This morning while trying to administer some liquid medication she suddenly, without any warning, threw up a very unpleasant combination of mucous and blood. It was so sudden that there was no chance of capturing it before it landed on her pajamas and bed. The nurses took it all in stride..........just another day at the office for them. For Jan, it was a different story as she wondered 'what the heck is happening'. They explained that this was just a result of the mucositis. The accumulated mucous, dead skin cells, and blood just needed a quick exit from her stomach, and took the shortest route. We were able to change Jan's clothes from the waste down, but since she was wearing a pull-over top, we have to wait until 5:00 P.M. before the I.V.'s can be removed long enough for her to slip on a fresh top and clean up a little. The doctor confirmed that all is still progressing well, and despite the continued pain, things will improve soon. It appears that a discharge probably won't occur until the end of the weekend, or early next week, depending on how soon her body heals from the mucositis and she can eat, drink, and take meds by mouth. Her lab counts continue to improve, and actually are sufficiently high now to meet the minimum discharge requirements. Her WBC improved from 1.16 yesterday, to 1.85 today, while her hemoglobin remained at 9.5, and platelets rose from 45K to 67K. All excellent numbers for Day T plus 15.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tony and Jan,
Your T plus 15 post had so many positives, we are praying the negatives will be gone soon and just be a memory. Keep the faith!
Robin, Russ and Brittany

March 20, 2008 at 3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that Jan's lab tests are showing positive results, despite dificulties. Tony and Jan, please know that you are both in our thoughts and prayers here at the PO. Jan, hope you get better and better each day.

March 21, 2008 at 7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By my reckoning, today is T+20 (Monday, 3/24) and we are all waiting for some news. It sounds like this T+ period is the worst situation Jan will have to go through, and while it sounds like Hell, she will hopefully be through it soon. Is her discharge day called D-Day? Hopefully, that will be the beginning of the end, or at least the end of the beginning. Hang in there Scolaro family, you've got a lot of folks out here pulling for you.

March 24, 2008 at 4:03 PM  

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