The Cat Lady Pounces On Leukemia

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday - November 7th.

The second round of chemo started at 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday. It will be comprised of three drugs. The first is Cytarabine. This is the same drug that was given during the first round of treatment, only this time it will be at ten times the dosage. The other two drugs are Etoposide and Mitoxantrone. They will be given over a five day period, then a five to seven day wait, followed by another bone marrow biopsy. Jan felt a bit out of sorts after the first dose. The drugs can have neurological effects so they have Jan run through some mental and physical drills to see if there are any impairments. Today (Wednesday) was actually a fairly good day. Jan had a small (very small) appetite. She ate a half bowl of cereal for breakfast, a half cup of soup and about ten french fries for lunch, and a bowl of rice for dinner. While this doesn't seem like much, it was a dramatic improvement over the past few days. We also managed about a twenty minute walk outside the hospital. The weather was absolutely perfect. Late in the morning she was summoned for a sinus cavity Cat-scan, and later in the afternoon was taken for another chest x-ray. All precautionary, we presume. She spiked a fever on Tuesday night, and the doctors are quick to make sure no infection is looming. Later in the day she opened some gifts, and when I left for work around 7:00 P.M. she was on the phone. All in all, a pretty good day.

Jan noticed on Monday that her hair was starting to fall out. So yesterday evening, with the help of son Jeff, shaved her head bear. So the whole hair deal is now a done deal. She sported a very snappy pink head cover today, and looked great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was disappointed that there was no picture of my cleanly shaven sister to accompany the blog - bet you look great in your assorted headgear! You certainly have a lot to choose from thanks to Pack, Lisa, Christy and other loved ones. Keep up the fight and try to eat what appeals to to all, Lainey

November 7, 2007 at 11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you're going through really sucks, but I know you're tough (you have to be to have lasted at MHC so long!) and I'm hoping you'll get through this soon.
I want to know how you got to be "The Cat Lady" when I have 6 indoors and 4 outdoors (oh wait, I guess that makes me "The Crazy Cat Lady!").
You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care, Nancy P.

November 8, 2007 at 12:01 AM  
Blogger Patti said...

Your co-worker/friend, Matt's comments about the faithful, courageous knights battling and destroying the demon for their lady inspired me, so I am sending you one of my computer creations. It'll be headed your way right after I post this.
You know that you are beautiful, bold and courageous, too. Don't let that "demon" discourage you...keep up the good fight.
I'm always glad to hear your sweet voice, so thanks for sharing your thoughts and filling me in on your day and all the extracurricular activities.
Love, hugs and kisses X1000

November 8, 2007 at 3:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jan & Family.
Her I am up at 3 in the morning.Thinking about what a brave girl you must be, this isn't easy on you and all the family. I have a son who is waiting for a liver transplant so think I can relate. This will be hes second. He was relieved when he actually found out that he needed it. He was thinking "Maybe I am mentally depressed instead of just being fatigued" Keep feeling postive! Which I know is not easy but very important. I am keepin in touch with your Mother. We were schoolmates but just actually baecame friend by email om the last 5 years.Love, Mary S.M.

November 8, 2007 at 3:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jan,
Sorry to hear that you had to have another round of that nasty stuff. (I think they're just trying to test your indurance). Bet you look great in the new headgear! Think of how much less time you'll spend combing, brushing and doing all those weird things that we do to our hair.

You're in our thoughts and prayers to kick this stuff. Take Care!


November 8, 2007 at 3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was relieved to hear the results of the ultrasound were negative! Also glad to hear you were able to eat some food yesterday. On another note, my cheerleaders were eliminated last weekend at the region competition. They had to place in the top four to move on to the state tournament...they placed 5th. I was proud of them's our first year back in about 4 years, and the teams we lost to all went to state last year. So, that's the cheerleading world. Keep pouncing on that leukemia!!!

November 8, 2007 at 7:09 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Love you and sending you lots of virtual hugs! I'll be visiting Georgia next week and we'll be able to combine our love forces to send your way! ;)

November 8, 2007 at 10:26 AM  
Blogger Rusty T said...

Jan and Tony, I am Elaine's favorite and best looking brother-in-law...granted, the competition isn't much. Just wanted you to know that my family and my church are praying for you. I read the blogs and I'm grateful that you have confidence in your doctors...but also remember to have great faith and confidence in our heavenly Father, who can do immeasuralby more than we can think or imagine...My prayer is for Him to do that in you....we will keep up with your healing progress.
Rusty Trotter

November 8, 2007 at 11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning JanJan, It was wonderful to see you yesterday, hold your hand, hug and kiss you, get a good look at your beautiful face hair or no hair. Your clothes are ready for pick up/or delivery by me. Mary SM apologized for her typos in her comment but that "goes with the trade" when you're over 80 like we are. She is close to her son John and the two of us are leaning on each other as we travel the "road taken".

I love you my little one, Mom

November 8, 2007 at 11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the simple things in life...just to hear your voice yesterday, lifted me up!

November 8, 2007 at 12:10 PM  
Blogger Lalania said...

Hi Jan, just wanted to send lots of love from way over here in Utah. So nice to know we'll be seeing you in just 34 days!!! I can't wait to give you a HUGE squeeze. I know Lucas will be so thrilled to do the same. I am hoping today is a good one for you. Lots of positive thoughts and prayers for you! We love you MUCH!!!

November 8, 2007 at 1:07 PM  

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