The Cat Lady Pounces On Leukemia

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wednesday - November 21 - Go Bulls !!!

Jan has now had three abdominal injections to help speed the production of white blood cells. Her lab results do not yet reflect any increase; however, this is expected and we believe we will begin to see some increase in the next day or two. Her primary complaint continues to be the mouth sores which make for painful eating, drinking, and swallowing. Foods still have very little taste.

As season ticket holders for the USF Football and Basketball teams, we have been particulary proud of the football team this year. At one point they were actually ranked as the number two team in the country. Well this afternoon we had a surprise visit from Doug Woolard, who is the Athletic Director for the University of South Florida. He presented Jan with a USF T-Shirt which had been autographed by some of Jan's favorite players including Quarterback Matt Groethe, Linbacker Ben Moffitt, Running Backs Jamar Taylor & Mike Ford, Defensive Backs Mike Jenkins & Trae Williams, and Defensive End George Selvie. It was a totally unexpected surprise, and we have the shirt prominently displayed in her room. We later learned that the culprits who pulled off this nice surprise were Jan's brother Pack, and her sister Patti. They contacted the university and arranged the whole thing. What a family!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jan and Tony, How's that for a well kept secret! You deserve this nice consideration because like the football team, you are a winner. Go Bulls!!! Go Jan!!!

November 21, 2007 at 8:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Very cool, Aunt Jan! I've been keeping tabs, and I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. Wish I could come visit... hey, maybe Michigan will end up in the Outback Bowl in Tampa. ;) Love y'all lots!! --Kevin

November 21, 2007 at 8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well glad that things are looking in the right direction. I know that you will win!!!! Never have a doubt that you are in my thoughts and prayers from the cold north land.

Rick in Tooele

November 23, 2007 at 5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jan,

Glad to hear that you got a nice surprise. I'm sure that made for a better day today.

Thinking of you!



November 23, 2007 at 7:23 PM  

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