Sunday - November 11th.
If no news is good news, then I have good news. Jan has been feeling better the past two days. The rashes are fading (ever so slightly), and her appetite is improved. The nightly reactions to the steroids (or "roid rage" as Jan has termed it) diminished the past two nights, so that was a relief. Jan had her fifth, and final, chemo session last night. This completes Round-2, which we hope will be the final installment in our attempts to rid her system of leukemia cells and put her into a remission. She is scheduled for another bone marrow biopsy on November 20th, so we have to wait at least nine more days before we know the outcome. The waiting is almost as bad as the treatment.
I'm so glad you're done with your second round of chemo (not as glad as you-I'm sure). Now just focus on building up those white blood cells and becoming healthy once again. It's great that you are feeling better. I hope that is a trend that continues until the good news of remission arrives.
We're expecting snow tonight. Can't wait 'til you can visit again and play in the snow with us!! :-) Remember the tubing? That was SUCH a great time! Keep those great times always in the forefront of your mind and they will help you continue to get better.
We love you MUCH and will talk to you soon!!
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